Exercice n°2 sur le passé en anglais

Question 1/10

When I ………… a child, I lived in London.

Question 2/10

The traffic lights were red, but Sam ……….

Question 3/10

Why are you so late this morning? There was a bus strike so I ……… walk.

Question 4/10

I …….. too much at the party last night.

Question 5/10

I don't know why John wasn't at school yesterday. I …….. him on the bus and he seemed fine.

Question 6/10

Peter …….. the answer to the question but he was too scared to speak out in class.

Question 7/10

My parents …….. me a ruby ring for my twenty-first birthday.

Question 8/10

How long …………. for me yesterday?

Question 9/10

I ………. breakfast for my husband last Sunday.

Question 10/10

Where …………. born?