Exercice sur "Phrasal Verbs" en anglais

Question 1/10

Friday is too late. Let's ……… the meeting from Friday to Wednesday.

Question 2/10

Before making a decision, it's a good idea to ……… the pros and the cons first.

Question 3/10

The chairman ……… after doing the job for ten years.

Question 4/10

The Human Resources Manager is going to ……. the contract and send you a copy.

Question 5/10

Trade ……. after some initial difficulties.

Question 6/10

The deal ……. and our jobs were saved.

Question 7/10

Difficult times …….. but they'll manage to survive.

Question 8/10

Before I come to a decision, I'll have to …….. their offer very carefully.

Question 9/10

Oh no! We've totally ……. the components we need to repair the car. There's nothing left in stock.

Question 10/10

The meeting …….. and we seemed to be getting nowhere.