Exercice sur les mots les plus utilisés en anglais

Question 1/10

The driver was ……………. to get out of the full parking lot very easily.

Question 2/10

This game ……………. to be harder than we thought.

Question 3/10

The kids were still playing with ………………….. toys when I entered the room.

Question 4/10

It still feels ……………. Winter with this ugly weather.

Question 5/10

We are definitely going out tonight, …………….. if it will be raining.

Question 6/10

…………… shops don’t open on Sundays.

Question 7/10

………….. are you going to get to the party?

Question 8/10

Please, …………… these boxes upstairs as we need to arrange some stuff in the rooms.

Question 9/10

Lucy cannot book a luxurious hotel for ……….. vacation as she has been spending a lot of money these couple of months.

Question 10/10

You get to play video games ………….. if you finish tidying your room before lunch.

Instruction : Most used words

Fill in the blanks with correct words.