Exercice sur les conditionnels en anglais

Question 1/10

He'll pick you up if he …. to the station.

Question 2/10

If I were rich, I …. travel around the world.

Question 3/10

I would marry if you …….. already married.

Question 4/10

If she sees Bob, she …… tell him not to bother calling anymore

Question 5/10

If it rains, the game ……. be cancelled.

Question 6/10

If Mary ……. her exams, she'll go to university.

Question 7/10

John could easily find a job if he ………. a pierced nose and such long hair.

Question 8/10

If I wasn't a stranger here myself, I ……… give you directions to the cinema.

Question 9/10

I would be able to finish the report if I ……. up all night.

Question 10/10

If you hurry up, you … just be able to catch the bus.