Exercice n°1 sur la forme des verbes en anglais

Question 1/10

All her suggestions turned out to be really ……..

Question 2/10

Sarah and David were trying to keep their ……… a secret as long as possible.

Question 3/10

I am going to seek …… advice before pressing charges against my company.

Question 4/10

This singer is practically …… even though he has a privileged voice.

Question 5/10

His ….. of the situation was not very accurate.

Question 6/10

No one can tell what is going to happen. The results of the negotiations are highly ……..

Question 7/10

Students need to have all their powers of …… about them when they do their final exams.

Question 8/10

I'm not very good at writing stories as I have very little ……

Question 9/10

So far, I've been really ….. in my professional life so I'm very satisfied.

Question 10/10

Managers need …… employees who can be trusted and left to work independently.

Instruction : Word forms n°1

Fill the blank


Description de l'exercice : Forme des mots n°1

Cet exercice aborde la formation des mots en anglais, y compris les préfixes et les suffixes. Vous apprendrez à décomposer et à créer des mots de manière efficace.


Bienfaits attendus sur les compétences linguistiques :

En maîtrisant la formation des mots, vous enrichirez votre vocabulaire et votre compréhension de la structure des mots en anglais. Cela vous aidera à lire, écrire et comprendre plus aisément la langue.