Exercice n°2 sur la forme des verbes en anglais

Question 1/10

Although his work is not brilliant, it is nevertheless …

Question 2/10

After what you did, the only thing you can ask for is ….

Question 3/10

The marketing department predicts that changes in consumer preferences will … the development of a new marketing plan.

Question 4/10

She believes that scientific research should only be carried out in cases where it will benefit …

Question 5/10

In spite of the politician's attempt to … his opponent, it was his opponent who won the election.

Question 6/10

Most newspapers aren't willing to carry out … reporting because it is very time-consuming and expensive.

Question 7/10

He used to follow baseball religiously, but since he became a father he has lost all … in the sport.

Question 8/10

The factory employees tried to … their working environment by giving names to all the robots and computers.

Question 9/10

In order to determine what happened the police will conduct a thorough …

Question 10/10

Market research tries to determine what variables most influence customer …

Instruction : Word forms n°2

Fill the blank


Description de l'exercice : Forme des mots n°2

Ce deuxième exercice sur la formation des mots explore davantage les préfixes, les suffixes et les racines. Vous aurez l'occasion de créer et de déchiffrer des mots complexes.


Bienfaits attendus sur les compétences linguistiques :

En continuant à perfectionner votre connaissance de la formation des mots, vous deviendrez plus à l'aise avec le vocabulaire anglais, ce qui améliorera votre compétence en lecture, en écriture et en communication en général.