Exercice n°2 sur les expressions idiomatiques en anglais

Question 1/10

To twiddle one's ……. is to be bored.

Question 2/10

To stab someone in the back is to ……… someone.

Question 3/10

If one doesn't want to show one's emotions, then one tries to keep a straight ………

Question 4/10

If you have butterfingers, then you are ………

Question 5/10

To be in over one's ….. means that the situation is too difficult.

Question 6/10

Something which is easily ………... is said to be at one's fingertips.

Question 7/10

If you are a pain in the ….. then you are an irritation to someone.

Question 8/10

"I'm all ………." indicates that I am listening attentively.

Question 9/10

To let one's ……... down means to relax and to be oneself.

Question 10/10

If you rub …….. with someone than you are said to be socialising with someone.