Exercice sur "To lie or to lay"

Question 1/10

The cure for anorexia … in accepting yourself as you are.

Question 2/10

The bird that nested in our garden seems to have … an egg.

Question 3/10

… on the sofa for a moment if you're not feeling well.

Question 4/10

She … her tools on the ground and started to repair the broken door.

Question 5/10

These machines … idle since the factory closed.

Question 6/10

She … to him. She never told him she had been married before.

Question 7/10

A bricklayer … bricks to build a house.

Question 8/10

The dog was … at her master's feet.

Question 9/10

Let's … the table. Lunch is ready!

Question 10/10

He … in bed all day and didn't do any work for months.

Instruction : To lie or to lay

Fill the blank


Description de l'exercice : To lie or to lay

Dans cet exercice, nous explorerons la distinction entre les verbes "lie" et "lay" en anglais. Vous apprendrez comment les utiliser correctement dans divers contextes.


Bienfaits attendus sur les compétences linguistiques :

Cet exercice vous aidera à éviter les erreurs courantes liées à l'utilisation de ces deux verbes souvent confondus. Vous renforcerez votre compréhension de la grammaire anglaise et améliorerez la précision de votre communication.