Exercice sur les modaux en anglais

Question 1/10

The weather was bad, and the hotel was awful. They … enjoyed their holiday.

Question 2/10

John: I have just seen a bank robbery. Sarah: You … been frightened.

Question 3/10

John: Why aren't they speaking to each other? Sarah: They …. an argument.

Question 4/10

The team lost 5-0. They … played badly.

Question 5/10

John: She walked straight past me without saying hello. Sarah: She … seen you.

Question 6/10

I failed my exam because I didn't study enough. I … studied more.

Question 7/10

They look very young. They … a son of twenty.

Question 8/10

If I had known it was your birthday, I … bought you a present.

Question 9/10

I tried phoning the office several times, but there was no answer. They … been having lunch.

Question 10/10

I'm convinced that it wasn't his fault. It … been his fault.

Instruction : Modals

Fill the blank


Description de l'exercice : Les modals

Cet exercice se concentre sur les verbes modaux en anglais tels que "can," "must," "should," etc. Vous pratiquerez leur utilisation dans divers contextes.


Bienfaits attendus sur les compétences linguistiques :

En participant à cet exercice, vous développerez la capacité à exprimer la possibilité, la nécessité et les conseils en anglais. Vous améliorerez également votre compétence en matière de demandes polies et d'obligations.