Exercice sur "Must, have to, ..."

Question 1/10

If you understand the grammar, you ……. repeat the exercise.

Question 2/10

Why were you late this morning? I …….. take my car to the garage.

Question 3/10

I ……. be late for my interview. I really want to get this job.

Question 4/10

The dress code is quite casual in our company so we ……. wear smart clothes to work.

Question 5/10

In most countries you ……. wear a seatbelt when you're in a car.

Question 6/10

Jim ……. lock all the offices at work before leaving. It's part of his job.

Question 7/10

You ……. smoke in the elevator.

Question 8/10

My boss ……… fly to Italy last week at very short notice for an important meeting.

Question 9/10

You ……… have a driving license before you can drive a car.

Question 10/10

I really ……. go on a diet. I've put on a load of weight recently.