Exercice sur les quantifieurs en anglais

Question 1/10

How …… eggs do you need for this recipe? I usually put 4 in this cake recipe.

Question 2/10

I have ……. friends in London but not many as I haven't been here very long.

Question 3/10

I don't know how I'm going to get through this month. It's only the tenth and I have very ……. money in my bank account.

Question 4/10

Do we need any more milk? No, there's …….. in the fridge.

Question 5/10

I don't have ….. free time these days.

Question 6/10

This town is so boring. There are ….. restaurants and no cinemas at all.

Question 7/10

Would you like …… of cheese with your bread?

Question 8/10

John works a lot. He has …… time to relax and enjoy himself.

Question 9/10

I'm going shopping this afternoon. How ….. sugar shall I bring back?

Question 10/10

How ……. times have you been abroad on business?