Exercice sur "Some, any, a, or an"

Question 1/10

Do you have ….. information on the Roman Museum in Chichester?

Question 2/10

We have …… antique furniture in our house.

Question 3/10

You have ….. horrible job!

Question 4/10

They have …… amazing apartment in Barcelona.

Question 5/10

We don't have …..water in the office.

Question 6/10

Is there ……. hotel near the station?

Question 7/10

That's Peter over there. He's …….. engineer.

Question 8/10

I've got …… really good music at home. You must come over some time.

Question 9/10

There aren't ……… opticians in our village. We have to go into town if we need to see one.

Question 10/10

Is there ……. money left in my account?

Instruction : Some, any, a, or an

Fill the blank


Description de l'exercice : Some, any, a, or an

Cet exercice abordera l'utilisation des déterminants ""some,"" ""any,"" ""a,"" et ""an"" en anglais. Vous pratiquerez leur choix approprié en fonction du contexte.


Bienfaits attendus sur les compétences linguistiques :

En participant à cet exercice, vous développerez votre compréhension des règles de base concernant l'utilisation de ces déterminants, ce qui améliorera la clarté de vos énoncés et votre capacité à poser des questions en anglais.