Exercice sur "Will Won't Shall"

Question 1/10

They'll wait for us, ... they ?

Question 2/10

I don't have a lot of cash. I think I ….pay by credit card.

Question 3/10

Peter ... pay for me, will he ?

Question 4/10

Harry ... marry Sally, won't he ?

Question 5/10

Sarah ... invite Tom to her party. She doesn't like him.

Question 6/10

These bags are really heavy. ….I carry one for you?

Question 7/10

…..you ring me tomorrow?

Question 8/10

John: I'm hungry. Sarah: …..I make you a sandwich?

Question 9/10

John: This restaurant is full. Sarah: …..we go somewhere else?

Question 10/10

Who's that? ….you open the door and look?

Instruction : Will Won't Shall

Fill the blank


Description de l'exercice : Will Won't Shall

Cet exercice se concentre sur l'utilisation des modaux "will," "won't," et "shall" en anglais. Vous pratiquerez la formation de phrases au futur et l'expression de la volonté.


Bienfaits attendus sur les compétences linguistiques :

En participant à cet exercice, vous développerez votre capacité à exprimer des actions futures, des intentions et des promesses en anglais. Vous renforcerez également votre compréhension des nuances entre ces modaux.