Exercice n°2 sur la finance en anglais

Question 1/10

If there is a problem with paying this invoice that we are not aware of, please contact me so that we can discuss a possible …together.

Question 2/10

Compensation entitlement allows businesses to legally claim … for the collection of receivables.

Question 3/10

I regret to inform you that the payment date cannot be …as we must close all accounts by the 22nd of this month for the end of our financial year.

Question 4/10

In order to obtain…, we are required to submit a detailed business plan which outlines the details of our current situation and future plans.

Question 5/10

Any transactions carried out in a bank account have to be recorded in a …

Question 6/10

I would advise you to open up a separate ….to place in-coming money in order to benefit from the payment of interest.

Question 7/10

Debts can be …over a specified period of time by making regular payments into a special fund.

Question 8/10

I honestly believe that it's ….in our company as we are convinced there will be significant returns.

Question 9/10

In order to save precious time, some investors don't want to see an entire business plan before making their decision, but rather an …. which should not exceed 2 or 3 pages.

Question 10/10

Most shops nowadays won't change any merchandise without the original ….