Comment gérer un mauvais payeur ?
Dans une relation d’affaires avec un partenaire, l’heure du désaccord voire du conflit est inévitable. Lorsque le partenaire en question est anglophone, vous devez apprendre à répondre à la situation en anglais des affaires, sans vous laisser prendre de court.
Dans un cas comme ça, la clarté de votre propos est essentielle, il ne faut pas que votre interlocuteur puisse prétendre avoir mal compris un élément de votre relation contractuelle. L’anglais des affaires n’a pas à être particulièrement compliqué. Privilégiez donc les phrases courtes mais claires. Par ailleurs, il est essentiel de garder un dialogue constant avec votre partenaire.
Il y a en ce domaine quelques usages à connaitre, selon la nationalité de votre client. Il arrive que les entreprises britanniques garantissent le paiement de leur dette avec un « bill of exchange » c’est-à-dire une lettre de change, dont la troisième partie est généralement une banque. Sachez que les entreprises américaines et britanniques recourent fréquemment aux entreprises de recouvrement pour récupérer une dette de plus de trois mois.
Expressions utiles pour faire face à un mauvais payeur
Face à un mauvais payeur, quelques expressions et termes de vocabulaire en anglais des affaires vont vous être utiles pour exprimer clairement votre mécontentement et votre point de vue à vos clients. En voici une liste.
To settle the invoice
- Definition : to pay the bill, to settle the account.
- Translation : Régler la facture
To draft the terms and conditions of sale
- Definition : to draw up the terms, to write the rules regarding sales and payment conditions.
- Translation : Rédiger les conditions générales de vente
Payment date
- Definition : settlement date, due date, deadline.
- Translation : Date d’échéance
Collection of receivables
- Definition : debt recovery, payment collection, collection of delinquent accounts.
- Translation : Recouvrement des créances
To dispute a claim
- Definition : to challenge an invoiced sum, to question an amount which is due.
- Translation : Contester une créance
To specify a due date
- Definition : to indicate a time limit for payment, to stipulate a settlement deadline, to fix a specific period in which the bill must be paid.
- Translation : Préciser un délai de paiement
Final notice (to pay)
- Definition : official final demand, official request for payment before further action is taken.
- Translation : Mise en demeure
To initiate legal proceedings
- Definition : to take legal action, to engage further legal steps.
- Translation : Lancer une procédure légale
Retention of title
- Definition : maintaining of property/ownership ; the property remains under the ownership of the seller until payment is made.
- Translation : Réserve de propriété
To be in debt
- Definition : to owe money, to be in the red.
- Translation : Etre endetté
To be bankrupt
- Definition : to be in a state of collapse, to be insolvent.
- Translation : Etre en faillite
We still haven’t received your payment
- Definition : we don’t have a record of your remittance, we don’t seem to be in receipt of your payment.
- Translation : Nous n’avons toujours pas reçu votre règlement
- Definition : lapse of memory, brief slip of the memory.
- Translation : Oubli
To be insincere
- Definition : to be dishonest, to have bad intentions.
- Translation : Etre de mauvaise foi
To send a second notice of payment due
- Definition : to send a note to remind somebody to pay.
- Translation : Envoyer un rappel
We expect you to settle this account within five working days
- Definition : we are counting on your remittance by the end of five working days.
- Translation : Nous comptons recevoir votre règlement d’ici à cinq jours ouvrables
Late fees, penalty fees
- Definition : late payment charge, additional fees applied for late payment.
- Translation : Pénalité pour paiement tardif
Unfortunately, the payment date cannot be extended
- Definition : regrettably, the due date cannot be changed ; I’m sorry but we can’t give you any more time to pay.
- Translation : Je regrette, mais nous ne pouvons pas accorder de délai de paiement
To demand payment
- Definition : chase a payment, to follow up on an outstanding bill, to ask for an invoice to be settled.
- Translation : Réclamer un paiement
The invoice XXX dated 15th of February is still outstanding
- Definition : the bill XXX from 15th February still hasn’t been paid, the invoice XXX is still due.
- Translation : La facture XXX du 15 février reste impayée
To run a credit check beforehand
- Definition : to check the credit rating of the firm or individual.
- Translation : Vérifier le plafond de crédit
Installment plan
- Definition : payment plan, to pay back a sum at regular intervals, stage payment (payment of agreed amounts at stages).
- Translation : Paiement échelonné
I’m calling about last month’s invoice
- Definition : I’m ringing about the bill from the previous month.
- Translation : Je vous appelle au sujet de la facture du mois dernier
I really must remind you that…
- Definition : I must bring to your attention the fact that…, I am obliged to point out to you that…
- Translation : Je suis dans l’obligation de vous rappeler que…
We demand settlement by…
- Definition : we must insist on payment by..., remittance must be made by…
- Translation : Nous exigeons votre règlement avant le…
Unless full payment is made by…
- Definition : if we are not paid in full by…, should you fail to settle the total amount by…
- Translation : Si nous ne recevons pas le montant total avant le ...
Exercice :
Passons à présent à quelques exercices pour vous assurer d’avoir bien mémorisé les termes de vocabulaire présentés. Utilisez les termes de vocabulaire ci-dessous dans la bonne phrase. Les réponses sont en bas de la page.
Draft, invoice, payment date, late fees / collection of receivables, demand payment / an oversight, payment due, outstanding, full payment / legal proceedings, final notice, remind
1. It’s essential to............ the terms and conditions of sale between the supplier and customer, and for these to be accepted and signed for before any trading takes place.
2. Good morning. This is Julie from the Accounts Department in Marsh Supplies Ltd. I’m calling about last month’s ............ for a delivery you received on the 5th of May and we’re now the end of June.
3. Many UK companies practice net monthly account payment terms whereby ............ is the last day of the month following the one dated on the invoice.
4. Under the European Directive legislation for late payment, UK businesses can claim ............ for the ............, and this is commonly known as «compensation entitlement».
5. A lot of tact and diplomacy is required to ........... from customers, especially if the delay is due to ........... , in order to maintain a good working relationship for future business.
6. Having received neither reply nor remittance after our first reminder, we are now obliged to send a second notice of............ and we expect you to settle this account within five working days as from the date on this letter.
7. Despite several reminders, the invoice number 4566 dated 15th February is still ............
8. Unless ............ is made by 25th April 2010, then we will be obliged to initiate ............ for the recovery of the debt without further notice.
9. Please note that this is our third and ............ before legal action.
10. I really must ............. you that our payment terms are strictly 30 days.
SOLUTIONS : 1 : draft. 2 : invoice. 3 : payment date. 4 : late fees / collection of receivables. 5 : demand payment / an oversight. 6 : payment due. 7 : outstanding. 8 : full payment / legal proceedings. 9 : final notice. 10 : remind
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