Tenir une réunion en anglais avec des partenaires et des prestataires anglophones vous oblige à connaitre des règles d’usage particulières ainsi qu’une liste assez fournie de vocabulaire.
Parmi les règles tacites, il est de bon ton d’informer les participants du programme en amont de la réunion, pour qu’ils puissent préparer leur intervention et leurs questions.
Veillez à donner votre carte professionnelle au début de la réunion. Quand on organise une réunion il est essentiel d’être à l’heure, pour préparer la salle de réunion, s’assurer que le matériel nécessaire fonctionne.
Lorsque vous menez la discussion, faites attention à regarder vos interlocuteurs dans les yeux. Cela crée immédiatement un lien d’écoute avec votre auditoire. Si l’on vous pose une question lors d’une réunion, impliquez les autres membres de l’auditoire dans la réponse, ils ne doivent pas être mis à l’écart. Enfin, ne faites pas durer la réunion au-delà des horaires de travail.
Pour tenir une réunion en anglais efficacement il est préférable de connaitre une bonne liste de vocabulaire. Vous trouverez ici regroupés des termes de vocabulaire qui vont vous aider à organiser et à mener votre réunion en anglais.
- Apologies
Definition : a list of people not present at a meeting, who informed the organizer in advance.
Translation : Excusé
- Accomplish (to)
Definition : to bring to a conclusion.
Translation : Mener, effectuer
- Address (to)
Definition : to treat an issue, to deal with something, to take care of a matter.
Translation : s’occuper de, se charger de
- Address (to)
Definition : to talk about a subject.
Translation : Aborder
- Agenda
Definition : items for discussion at a meeting.
Translation : Ordre du jour
- Diary (uk)/calendar (usa)
Definition : a list of all meetings and appointments including dates and times.
Translation : Agenda
- Aob (any other business)
Definition : miscellaneous subjects not on the agenda.
Translation : Autres sujets divers
- Brain-storm
Definition : to share ideas from all members of the group.
Translation : Remue-méninges
- Chairperson
Definition : the person in charge of the meeting, who decides when each person may speak.
Translation : Organisateur, leader
- Mandatory
Definition : something you must do, something required.
Translation : Obligatoire
- Closing remarks
Definition : final statements at the end of a meeting.
Translation : Remarques finales
- Submit (to)
Definition : to propose something for consideration or judgement by others.
Translation : Proposer
- Conference room
Definition : a room for a meeting.
Translation : Salle de réunion
- Deadline
Definition : a time or date by which something must be done.
Translation : Date butoir
- Designate (to)
Definition : to select or assign someone for a duty or task.
Translation : Assigner
- Minutes
Definition : a written record of the meeting.
Translation : Compte rendu
- Proxy vote
Definition : when someone has the power to vote in your place if you cannot be at a meeting.
Translation : Procuration
- Schedule (to)
Definition : to plan something for a certain date or time.
Translation : Programmer
- Show of hands
Definition : to put your hand in the air to vote on a subject.
Translation : Vote à main levée
- Location
Definition : the place where something is situated.
Translation : Lieu
- Let’s get started
Definition : to begin (usually used at the beginning of a meeting to get the participants attention).
Translation : Débutons
- That covers the first item
Definition : to end a discussion about the first item on the agenda.
Translation : Cela clôt le premier point
- Sum up (to)
Definition : to present a summary or a recapitulation.
Translation : Récapituler
- To have something to add
Definition : to comment on an item or to put forth your ideas on a subject.
Translation : Avoir quelque chose à ajouter
- Feedback
Definition : a reaction, response to something (can be positive or negative).
Translation : Retour
- I’m afraid I disagree
Definition : to have a different opinion than the one stated.
Translation : Je crains de ne pas être d’accord
- I’d have to agree with x
Definition : to have the same opinion as someone.
Translation : Je suis d’accord avec X
- I didn’t catch that. could you repeat that please?
Definition : to ask the person to restate what he/she has said because you are not sure that you understand.
Translation : Je ne suis pas sûr d’avoir compris. Pouvez-vous répéter, s’il vous plaît ?
- Adjourn (to)
Definition : to end a meeting or to finish it temporarily.
Translation : Mettre fin, reporter
- Wrap up (to)
Definition : to end, to finish a meeting or to close a subject.
Translation : Conclure
Pour vous exercer à tenir une réunion en anglais, voici des termes de vocabulaire utiles. Remplissez les phrases avec les termes manquant, dans la liste suivante. Les réponses trouvent en bas de page.
to sum up, apologies, show of hands, That covers the first item, address, adjourn, agenda, AOB, brainstorm, I’m afraid I disagree, mandatory, to schedule, deadline, minutes, proxy vote, wrap up, to schedule, feedback, let’s get started.
1. In the minutes, Marc was noted under ............ because he was unable to attend the meeting.
2. The next item on the agenda that I would like to ........... is the training budget for 2008.
3. The meeting will ............ at 12:30 for lunch.
4. The ............ lists five topics of discussion for our meeting today by the bar.
5. Would anyone like to raise ............ that has not been listed on the agenda before we end today’s meeting ?
6. Let’s ............ some ideas for the new marketing campaign. We will go around the table and each of you will give me at least one idea.
7. The meeting is ........... for all development engineers, so you must attend the meeting on November 12th.
8. The ........... for the human resources report is November 10. Therefore we can schedule a meeting on November 12 to discuss the conclusions.
9. The .......... from the meeting were very useful : it listed all the conclusions and clearly stated who was designa- ted for each task.
10. Notification of a ........... must be given to the chairperson prior to the meeting so that everyone is clear on who will be casting a vote.
1 : apologies. 2 : address. 3 : adjourn. 4 : agenda. 5 : AOB. 6 : brainstorm 7 : mandatory. 8 : deadline. 9 : minutes. 10 : proxy vote.
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